Monday, October 18, 2010

EAC Semester 3

So my last post was a while ago.. and well I decided that my roommate EP has a splendid idea with her blog and I am going to do the same.. I am going to start writing little tiddlies that are on my mind for the day, or whenever I feel a need to vent/post/write!

Today's little tiddlies are just an utd. on my life's little meaningless happenings... I am in my 3rd Semester of College at EAC.. and I am still just going through life like usual. I am working at R&R Pizza and can I just say that the way to  make you hate eating something you love (like pizza) is a place that you have to make it.. I am taking 18 credit hours and they aren't bad at all. Children's Lit, Math, Developmental Psych, ASL, and Band are my schedule - so I'm not slammed like I was last semester.. which is a relief! The summer was good but I was super glad to find an APT and start the new semester in a different house (301) with different roommates (who are all AWESOME btw). 

We picked Cambria up from her Mission in Pocatello, ID on Sept. 8th - we got to meet Pres. and Sis. Colton and enjoy a tasty dinner at their humble abode. While on the trip to pick her up we got to visit friends in Springville, UT, Logan, UT, and Rexburg, ID, we also stopped in a few of the areas she served in like, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, and Arco. It was pretty cool to see all the places she was able to go, and meet alot of the people who have investigated the gospel. I am so proud that she finished out strong and kept her chin up when the going got tough..

Since it's already half way through the semester and I haven't said much about it I will say that I have never been so happy to sweep and mop the kitchen floor - but as of Friday I was so glad to do it, is it sad that we haven't done either of those since we moved in.. Yuck! I hate doing the dishes - even more now that we have a dishwasher than when I didn't.. how hard is it to put away the clean ones and rinse and load with dirty ones.. seriously it isn't!! I'm SO grateful for roommates who help me clean when they feel a need to, it sure feels good to have a clean house.. I've heard it said that "A Clean  house is a Happy home..." but I say "a Clean house is a Happy me!" I LOOOOOVE having a clean house - it's nice to come home and see that you don't have to pick anything up!!!

I am in Band, and I love it - only a little less than when I started... the reason why is because I feel like we have NO CLUE what we are doing, and I don't like that one bit! I feel that it should be alot cleaner cut and everyone should know what is going on.. Though I have met so many new friends being involved I feel like my enthusiasm has decreased slightly.. but we only have one more home football game and I plan on going CrAzY for it, I want to have TONS of energy and be happy and love it while it's here... Hopefully next year will be better with a pom and flag line... Yes I plan on doin pom line cause then I can dance! yay! SKADOOSH :)

I just watched 'How to Train Your Dragon' and I thought it was SO cute. I loved the music mostly - it was alot of Irish themes with bag pipes!! uh uh uh yeah! " Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile"!!!!
